Coaching and Mentoring
“Coaching with Tom Bandy has transformed my church through four words — “you’re on the right track” — when I
was about ready to give up, give in or give out. Having Tom as a coach got me through this huge transformation
with my faith, my church, my ministry and my family intact!”
Coaching and mentoring helps you grow as a Christian leader in traditional churches, innovative faith communities,
and faith-based non-profits.
- 6 month renewable covenants
- Regular internet conversations
- International reach
- Spiritual depth
- Lifestyle sensitivity
Clients have been located in all regions of the United States and Canada, and in Australia, New Zealand, and
Europe. All coaching and mentoring is in English.
The goal of coaching is to help church leaders hold themselves accountable to mission alignment, high integrity,
upgraded competencies, and teamwork. I help individual leaders maintain and deepen leadership credibility, and
help leaders and teams focus priorities, develop strategic plans, measure results, and manage stress. You set your
goals, and together we get there.
The goal of mentoring is to help people explore their experience of Christ, develop accountable spiritual habits,
overcome obstacles to spiritual growth, and discern their personal mission. I help leaders stimulate and focus their
spiritual lives, rediscover the joy of their original calling, and realign their energies for faithful self-fulfillment. You
define your hopes, and together we discern God's path.
Additional questions and inquiries are welcome. Please visit the contact page to directly email Tom.